Aged Care Calculator

Using the Accommodation Calculator

Please enter the advertised room price of the accommodation you are interested in and then use the calculator below to view your three flexible payment options.

Enter Room Price
Option 1Option 2Option 3
Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)Refundable Accommodation Payment (RAD)Combination Payment
(DAP and RAD)
$0.00 $0 Enter your preferred deposit

The DAP involves converting your accommodation cost into an ongoing daily payment that is billed monthly. The daily payment is charged periodically at the Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR) as set by the Australian Government. The RAD is a one-off, lump sum accommodation payment that is fully refundable at the end of your stay - less any amounts you agree to have deducted Use this helpful tool to calculate your desired combination payment. Changing the RAD amount will automatically adjust the DAP. Combination payments involve making a one-off, lump-sum payment that is less than your total room price (RAD) and then making smaller ongoing DAP payments.


  1. Seniors Pathway does not guarantee and accepts any legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any information or material presented through the Calculator or for any loss or damage which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. You should look for independent professional advice (including financial advice) before you rely on or act on any information or material presented in the Calculator.
  2. The Calculator and its information or material is only a guide. It doesn’t mean to imply any financial advice or recommendations regarding your situation, financial requirements or other objectives or needs.
  3. Seniors Pathway will ensure that all information or material presented through the Calculator is correct and up to date. However, any information provided through the Calculator is subject to change without notice. Seniors Pathway is not liable because the information may be incorrect or unavailable.

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