our services

What we can do for you

Our Services

The primary service that Seniors Pathway offers is to ensure we select the right home for your loved one. With our Intimate knowledge of each home care facility we make sure we select the home that is best matched to the individual.

The reason this business is called Seniors Pathway is because aged care is a journey. Importantly, it’s a journey you don’t have to undertake alone. There are a number of different specialised services that Seniors Pathway offers. You may need just one, you may need all of them. You may initially need just one and end up using all of them. Whatever the case, our relationship begins with a conversation.

That’s because, to my mind, exploring the aged care system is an emotive and personal experience. Therefore, it can’t be dealt with clinically.

Whilst Seniors Pathway offers many different services, our value to you is multi-layered. We first gather both physical and personal information and combine them to provide appropriate suggestions for the way forward. If desired and needed, we then act for you and your loved one to take the stress out of engaging aged care services.

So if you’re looking for someone to partner with you as you navigate the oft daunting world of aged care, you’ve found us.

Cate King


To learn even more about our services, make sure you look at our 5 part video series taking an in depth look at aged care placement in South Australia, and why Seniors Pathway is unique to other aged care facilties.

Thank you, not just for ourselves, but also for the other families who choose to get some assistance from you during what is rather an overwhelming, emotional and challenging time.

In stating our appreciation for the role that you played, we want to acknowledge how professional, friendly, warm, understanding and patient you all were.

Thank you for never rushing the process or making us feel in any way pressured into making a decision. You are exceptional in the way you carry out your work because it all felt seamless. We hope it dosent go unnoticed by those who utilise your services. So thank you all once again for all the work your team was doing on our behalf, it was much appreciated.



Seniors Pathway is a very apt descriptor for this great team. I felt like I had been taken by the hand and led gently down the path (minefield) that is aged care. What a huge, daunting task for the layperson to manage. Seniors Pathway acted with sensitivity, warmth and great insight. Bureaucratic processes are always stressful, and were managed professionally and efficiently.

When the time arrived to find the right place for mum, there was support and comforting sounding board from Seniors Pathway team.

The Seniors Pathway brief was always about what was right for mum, and this has been borne out in mum’s recent transition into a nursing home.


North Adelaide